VISUAL SCHEDULES for a preschool student
For this 2-part Assignment, you are going to create a visual schedule for a preschool student (age 2-5) and then write a report describing the evidence and research supporting such a schedule.
After creating your visual schedule, answer the following prompts and write a formal report, describing what evidence and research supports the use of visual schedules.
Describe the purpose of providing visual schedules for students with autism. Within your report examine the research and findings that that support the use of visual schedules. Summarize how the use of schedules can be effective in educating young children with autism.
Describe at least 2 other visual supports and/or classroom management strategies (choice boards, positive behavior charts, classroom structure/organization, token systems, task organizations, etc) that can coincide with the use of a visual schedules.
Give both an explanation of the 2 strategies as well as the purpose of the visual teaching strategy. Support your decision to use the visual strategies based on the effects that the interventions have on different developmental domains (social/emotional, fine motor, gross motor, language/communication cognitive/academic development, and self-help).
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