The topic of this workshop is policy analysis. The workshop provides an introduction to what is meant

You are required to produce a 2000 word assignment on a policy topic of your choice. This should:

Set out an initial outline of the issue or topic. What is the ‘presenting problem’? This should provide a background to the problem, explaining why it is of policy relevance and concern. What is your initial assessment of the evidence about this problem? (300-500 words) -15marks

Diagnose the policy problem. This is essentially where you identify and clarify what the real ‘problem’ is, for whom, why this matters in policy terms, and what is or may be required by policy-makers to address it. Here you conduct a more thorough evidence review, and consider the problem in more depth. For example, there might be a general problem of rising hunger in rich societies, but the specific policy task may be whether or how to provide food to address this through more effective school meals. (300-500 words) —25 marks

Do a schematic policy triangle or flow diagram which captures and represents the key policy issues, barriers and opportunities, you have exposed. For examples, see Buse et al (2012: chapter 10), Panjwani and Caraher (2013), and Caraher et al (2013). (equivalent to 500 words) —20marks

Produce the concluding policy discussion. Here you give your final analysis, showing how the process you have been through has delivered a sound, evidence-based, critical policy analysis in which the problem has been is dissected into its constituent parts. This should be built on the previous steps above. (800-1000 words) —-25marks

Quality of references and clarity of expression—15marks