the acute Effects of differential stretching protocols during warm-ups on agility performance

The university used coventry harvard style referencing. you can google this to see how this can be done.

The purpose of this thesis is to speak about the acute effects of the different stretching protocols on agility performance using 3 agility tests.

My ethics which was passed is based on the bellow..
This is a summery of the project..

This is an observational study to examine different stretching protocols in warm-ups and to see their effects on agility performance. 18 male amateur adult footballers will undergo a series of warm up protocols. One protocol with a general warm up(no stretch), one static stretching protocol and one dynamic stretching protocol. Testing will take place 1 week apart from each protocol. Subjects will undergo all three protocols. All will take part in a T-DRILL test, illinois test and zig zag test 1 minute after their warm up protocol which will be used in this case to measure the subjects agility performance. The results will be analysed to see if there is a statistically significant difference between T-drill results and their assigned warm-up protocol.

here is a rough outline of the method
The selection will be made on volunteer basis. There will be three groups made. Each of the three groups will be assigned a different protocol for each week. In this way, one of the groups will be performing general warm-ups, second will be doing Static Stretching, and third will be doing the Dynamic Stretching, in the first week. The SS and DS subjects will also have to perform the basic warm-ups before stretching to avoid any muscle pains. For all the groups, there will be an active rest session of 2-4 minutes between each drill. Same is the case with the static and the dynamic stretching groups. All these groups will perform the agility performance test. The agility tests will include the illinois, T-Drills and zigzag sprints as well. Their respective results will be evaluated.

Similarly, each of the group will be asked to perform a different trial from the last week. Their results will also be evaluated. Same procedure will be followed the next week; each group with the different trial from the last two weeks. In the end of this 3-week session, all these groups would have performed the three trials and evaluated accordingly.

You will have to create original results as if these tests were made.

I will attach a file to show exactly what is expected of this thesis and the break down. Into, methods, results, analysis, discussion etc