Technology in the supply chain

The paper will be 5 pages in length (not including cover page or reference page) and will be in APA format. There should be at least 10 academic /professional references and related citations. These are not opinion papers or position papers. They are short research papers that cover the pertinent aspects of the subject. Assume the reader has no understanding of the topic at all. Strength of references is critical. You cannot complete these papers effectively with web references only. (Here is a link for online textbook:

Topic: Technology in the Supply Chain (focus on communication, automation, visibility, analytics, and web based technologies)

Grammar, punctuation, and format are important. Please make sure that all written assignments are completed using proper academic format. Number all pages and do not include unnecessary clipart. All sources of information must be properly referenced and cited. Use 12-point font (Times New Roman). Use standard margins and double-space all work. Indent new paragraphs. Use APA format on all citations (in-text citations…not footnotes or endnotes) and references.