sydney social atlas 2006 Report
use the Sydney Social Atlas
2006. Insert three of these maps in the report. One map MUST be of unemployment rates. The second and third map can be any of the indicators listed below:
? People not fluent in English
? People in the labour force with university qualifications
? People in the labour force with Certificate III qualifications
? Technicians and trades workers
? Low income households
? Households with housing costs 30% or more of gross income
Insert the maps in the report and label them with a Figure number and title. Figures should be numbered
consecutively (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc). Figure titles must include the three ‘Ws’: What does the map show (you can
refer to the Sydney Social Atlas (2006) for this information), Where, and When. Figure numbers and title should
be located above each map.
Compare and contrast the low income households and people not fluent in English maps to the map of unemployment.
For each map:
(a) Compare the spatial pattern of the map to the map of unemployment. Does the map share the
same spatial pattern as unemployment (i.e. do the areas of high and low concentration match)?
Describe the similarities and differences in the spatial pattern.
(b) Explain why your map shares (or does not share) a similar spatial pattern to the map of
Words: 250 words (125 words per map)
The map of unemployment shows that some areas of Sydney experience higher levels of unemployment
compared to the rest of Sydney. Identify and explain the changes that have taken place in the economy (e.g. in
Sydney, NSW, Australia) that have generated such unevenness in socioeconomic opportunities. In your answer
you should also:
• refer to the map of unemployment and the additional maps that you have created.
• Identify if the spatial pattern of unemployment in Sydney is likely to become less or more entrenched in the
future and why.
Words: 500 only
References / Readings:
Make use of the following background references, where appropriate, especially in answer to Question 4. The
various chapters from Waitt et al (2000) and Connell (ed) (2000) are good readings from which to start. See also:
Baum, S, O’Connor, K & Stimson, R 2005, ‘Suburbs of advantage and disadvantage’, Fault lines exposed: advantage
and disadvantage across Australia’s settlement system, Monash University ePress, Melbourne, Ch.3, pp.03.1
Edwards J 2006, The quiet boom: how the long economic upswing is changing Australia and its place in the world,
Lowy Institute Paper 14, Lowy Institute for International Policy, Double Bay. Also available at:
O’Connor, K., Stimson, R. and Daly, M 2001, Australia’s changing economic geography, Oxford University Press,
Melbourne (especially Ch. 2).
O’Neill, P & McGuirk, P 2002, “Prosperity along Australia’s Eastern Seaboard: Sydney and the geopolitics of urban
and economic change”, The Australian Geographer, vol. 33, no. 3, pp.241-261.
Potter, RB, Binns, T, Elliott, JA & Smith, D 2004, ‘Globalisation, development and underdevelopment’, in
Geographies of development, Pearsons, Harlow, pp.126-177.
Randolph, B & Holloway, D 2005, “The suburbanisation of disadvantage in Sydney: New problems, new policies”,
Opolis, vol. 1, no.1, pp.49-65.
Urban Research Centre 2008, North West and West Central Sydney employment strategies, Urban Research
Centre, UWS:
Report format
• Your Workshop Report should use descriptive headings and be structured along the lines of the
threequestions: You should provide the answers to Question 1, followed by Question 2 and 3. Each of these
answers should start in a separate line and you should include the question number so that it is clear which
question you are answering. You may choose to insert the maps at the start of, the end of, or at an
appropriate place within, your report. An example report structure is provided below:
? Question 1. Socioeconomic maps of Sydney
? Question 2. Map 1: [Name of map]
? a)
? b)
? Question 2. Map 2: [Name of map]
? a)
? b)
? Question 3.
the whole report should be 750 words only