
Submit a competitive choreographed 3-minute routine in a written narrative form. Include a written 35 second cheer using creative/positive words and demonstrating two different jumps. The open-music portion of the routine needs to include: number of 8 counts in dance (not each individual move), legal tumbling, and legal stunts (be specific). Formations are required for entire routine. Routine cannot exceed 3-minutes (including 35 second cheer). Routines must be based on a high school varsity competitive team or an All-Star team to include a minimum of 13 cheerleaders and a maximum of 20 members with the option of a maximum of 3 male cheerleaders on the team. You can use the format found in the WVSSAC Cheer Manual. Make sure you search your individual state for legalized stunts and other rules (other state formats are accepted). This is a required highly competitive choreographed routine for competing at your state high school (varsity) level, not nationally.