Social Media Monitoring,Seal of Approval,Guide to Cyber Security for Small Businesses

1. The paper should not be longer than seveb (7) pages (excluding a cover page, appendix, and references). A traditional essay format is not necessary for this assignment (e.g., No introduction is required. Start with a question number and then write your answers.)
2. All written work should be of professional quality. If you cannot communicate clearly, the quality of your ideas will not be apparent. Written work should be designed for ease of reading.
3. Choose clear fonts in a suitable size, for example – Times New Roman at 12 pt (nothing smaller, please!). Use 1.5 line spacing, with at least 2.5 cm margins at the left, right, top and bottom of the page. Any work that exceeds the specified maximum size will be ignored. Modern word processing software includes tools such as spelling and grammar checkers that can help ensure the quality of your work. Up to 10% of the maximum mark for any assignment may be deducted for errors in spelling and/or grammar.
4. Make sure that the paper is written by your own words and that all the references used need to be explicitly described in the body and at the end of the paper.
Example of citation: (Use the reference format below. APA format is also acceptable)
< In the body of the paper>
The Bootstrapping approach was applied to estimate the significance of the path (Chin
2000; Cook and Luo 2003; Cooper et al. 1995).
<Reference at the end of the paper>
Chin, W. W. “Frequently Asked Questions – Partial Least Squares & PLS-Graph,” 2000., accessed on September 16, 2003.
Cook, D. P. and Luo, W. “The Role of Third-Party Seals in Building Trust Online,” e-
Service Journal, (2:3), 2003, pp. 71-84.
Cooper, D. R., Gefen, D. and Emory, C. W. Business Research Methods, 5th ed., IRWIN,
U.S.A., 1995.
(This assignment is worth 4 % of your total mark.)