Sexuality and society

Required book. Sex matter( the sexuality and society reader 4th edition

Extra Credit Assignment Instructions
If you are interested in earning up to 5 points of extra credit for one of your exams you can complete the following extra credit assignment.

Select one of the following readings:
26: The politics of acculturation: Female Genital Cutting
29: The Pleasures of Childbirth
40. Venereal Disease: Sin Vs Science.
42. Condom use and meaning in Rural Malawi
52. Rape Myths
And write a review of the article. The review must include all of the following components to get full credit.

Component 1: Describe the focus, purpose or main point of the article.  If the author is making an argument about the main focus of the article, identify exactly what they are arguing.  Describe the methods of the article: how does the author investigate the topic?  What data do the author(s) use to explore the topic? Highlight the author’s main discussions and briefly explain any conclusions. (1-2 paragraphs)

Component 2: Identify one major strength of the article and explain why it is a strength (not just that you found it interesting). (Actually say “a strength was” when you identify it).  While you may mention the author’s writing style, do not use this as your major strength. (1 paragraph)

Component 3: Identify one major weakness of the article and explain why it is a weakness (not just that you found it boring).  (Actually say “a weakness was” when you identify it).  While you may mention the author’s writing style, do not use this as your major weakness. (1 paragraph)

Do not use outside sources.  Use your brain, class notes, and the article itself.