jassem project

The lectures said after i sent her 10 patient date collected ( patient safety checklist) with project proposal:

Hello Jassem, thank you for sending me the patient information sheets as requested, can you clarify what you will do with the information gathered in these forms?

So assuming the Plan was to develop the form, the Do was to issue these to patients, the Study is?…. please clarify what will be done with the data collected? I have pasted your proposal below?

Best wishes

Study 1:
Comparison of the data in the checklist with the number of complications developed should project positive changes. (how will your form enable you to do this?) This would be as the medical staff would sign to the adherence of recommendations (tell me more about this?) made by other staff members. (are medical staff being asked to do this yet?) Most of the data are entered manually during rounds in the ward, so crosschecking of data will be easier.