Film & Theater studies Title: Precis
Kaplan and Dubro. 2003. Prologue and Chapter 1, “The Honorable Outlaws,” in Yakuza: Japan’s Criminal Underworld,” pp, 3-27.
Raz, Jacob. 1992. “Self-presentation and Performance in the Yakuza Way of Life,” pp. 211-233.
Miyazaki Manabu. 2005. Chapter 1: “My Family,” pp. 3-29, and if you like Miyazaki’s writing
Chapter 2: “Boy Commando,” in Toppamono, pp. 31-49.
Please don’t use any article from outside just the ones I provided. Also, I’ll upload an example for you. The structure is free and up to you, but if you need a template, one way to think of organization would be: 1: summary of author’s main points and positions, clearly showing you covered the material (you don’t have to cover everything, but you should show you’ve done the reading and will not receive credit if it appears you are phoning it in) 2: drawing connections to other readings and course themes, analyzing the impact of the author’s points 3: relating these issues to your own experience or parallels you may have encountered in other courses, etc. 4: question for discussion that were provoked by the reading(s