Estimating proportions of drivers using mobiles phones while driving effect on safety

(Estimating proportions of drivers using mobiles phones while driving effect on safety)


The utilization of mobile phones, while driving is unauthorized in numerous countries, yet evidence shows that people use mobile phones while driving which leads to deadly accidents. In this research, we will be inspecting the use of mobile phone while driving and will analyse how many people use mobile phones while driving in Qatar and UK. We will be making a comparative study between two countries and will choose two localities first one in the main road and the second one in the traffic light in Doha city and Great Manchester, based on their use of mobile phone while driving. We will be analysing this behavior using the data collected from different towns and various locations to get a complete understanding of how many people use mobile during driving. The data gathered will be based on the self-observation and movie recorded of the incidents.


Using a mobile phone while driving is ordinary today. Also, it broadly is viewed as unsafe because of its potential for bringing about diverted driving and mischance because of the quantity of mishaps that are identified with mobile phone usage while driving.

Aim: To investigate the phenomenon of drivers using mobiles phones while driving and understanding its impact on safety.


-To know the percentage of drivers using different modes of mobile application like texting, calling, “Snapchatting,” etc., and countermeasures to control it.

-To empirically understand the behavior of mobile phone usage by means of the “Local Street” and “Highway” data.

-To analyse data based on observations using Spss to find the correlation of mobile use while driving between two countries UK and Qatar.

-Technology against technology: to help people to use phones less while driving.

-To educate people or increase their awareness about the dangers and/or effects of mobile phone usage while driving.

-To explore the effect of drivers’ use of mobile (call) phone on road safety.

-To elucidate options to make mobile phone while driving more safety on the road.