Enhancing Employee Involvement












Enhancing Employee Involvement












Enhancing Employee Motivation


  1. Delegating power and responsibility to employees.
    1. Allowing employees some power to discharge certain responsibilities spurs their motivation levels (Taslim, 2011).
      1. Responsibility nurtures a sense of ownership and positive entitlement.
      2. Delegation makes employees more proactive and committed to routine.
    2. Employees who hold responsibilities in the organization are more likely to show high levels of loyalty (Taslim, 2011).
      1. Responsibility should entail increased participation on decision-making.
      2. Motivated employees are better prepared to solve problems.
    3. Providing Effective Reward Systems.
      1. The reward system of an organization should be fairly balanced across the organization.
        1. Perceptions of inequality and biasness in the wage system have the effect of demotivating the employees (Schlechter, Hung & Bussin, 2014).
        2. The reward system should be modeled in a way that appreciates special skills and hard work within the organization.
      2. Adjustment of the reward and remuneration should be based on merit.
        1. A merit-based reward system motivates employees and encourages general improvement of the work rate across the ranks of the organization.
        2. The reward system should also focus areas of professional and personal growth such as academic sponsorships and promotions at the work place.
  • Creating Channels for Effective Communication.
    1. The organization should break the vertical barriers that compromise effective communication.
      1. A policy of quality feedback system should be established to enhance the efficiency of the communication.
      2. The organization should limit the bureaucratic intrigues that occasion delays or distortion of information as it is relayed from one point to the next.
    2. The organization should invest in advanced communication technology solutions to hasten the process of communication without compromising on quality.
      1. The effective mainstreaming of communication technology within an organization is considered as a key performance indicator (Bambacas & Patrickson, 2008).
      2. Effective communication across the ranks of the organization is a motivating factor because it makes employees to feel acknowledged and appreciated.

Part II

Multiple strategies can be employed by an organization to enhance the element of employee involvement and motivation within an organization. The foremost advantage of maintaining an involved and motivated workforce is that the workers feel a sense of entitlement and process ownership (Taslim, 2011). Delegating responsibility across the ranks of the organization, providing effective reward systems, and creating channels for effective communication are some of the strategies that could be relied upon to improve the motivation levels of the workforce. Involved employees tend to deploy the full range of their skills and talents towards the furtherance of the organization’s core objectives (Schlechter, Hung & Bussin, 2014). Besides, motivation limits the staff turnover rates within the organization. Consequently, the organization is likely to remain stable by retaining talent through a wide range of motivational strategies. Studies that explore the value of motivation within organization often end in consensus about its profound effects on growth, stability, and overall improvement on performance.

Delegating Responsibility

Delegating responsibility within an organization builds trust among employees in the various sectors and departments. It is natural for an employee with an assigned responsibility to seek avenues of improving his or her performance in line with the job requirements (Schlechter, Hung & Bussin, 2014). The weight of responsibility makes the employee to work harder and aim for excellence in order to demonstrate his or her fitness within the ranks of the organization. Moreover, the aspect of responsibility improves the speed of tasks because the people holding responsibility are naturally keen to deliver in accordance with the prescribed timelines. Assigning responsibility to employees motivates them in the sense that it emboldens their self-esteem and pride (Taslim, 2011). As such, responsibility should be delegated across all levels of the organization as a way of maximizing the potential of the work force.

First-rate companies that are renowned for their top-tier performance usually rely on the strategy of delegation to improve the output of the employees (Taslim, 2011). Apart from achieving the goal of motivation, delegation helps to reduce the tendency of redundancy within the organization. Giving employees the charge of certain processes in the organization promotes their vigilance, aggressiveness, and creativity at the workplace. Another advantage of responsibility relates to its capacity to improve the employee’s level of experience (Taslim, 2011). In the long term, an employee who works in a firm that delegates responsibility is better prepared to handle managerial tasks than one who is used to a top-down system of work. As such, it is necessary for organizations to nurture employees’ prospects of career development and promotion by assigning them various responsibilities within their areas of specialization.

Creative a Competitive Reward System

Creating a fair and competitive reward system is another way of uplifting the motivation and involvement levels of the employees. The ideal reward systems should focus on the various aspects of performance and other attributes that contribute meaningfully towards the furtherance of the firm’s core objectives (Taslim, 2011). Many companies tend to reward employees in accordance with their ranks, academic qualification, and experience. Although such a model of reward is generally effective, it is important for the organization to focus beyond the basics and design ways of spurring the motivational levels of individuals through targeted strategies. Such strategies should focus on the capacity of the employees to surpass ordinary benchmarks of performance by devoting their exceptional skills to enhance the performance of the organization.

In order to motivate workers through pay, the organization should consider ways of rewarding the workers based on their performance. The primary driving force for work within an organization is the reward system (Bambacas & Patrickson, 2008). The salary scale should be a fair reflection of the employee’s qualifications and performance. The model of remuneration should reflect a sense of fairness so that every worker develops confidence in the organization. Transparency in the wage system is crucial for building a strong bond of loyalty between the employees and the organization. The idea is to dispel the notion that the system operates along the schemes of favoritism, which may erode the levels of motivation within the organization.

Enhancing Effective Communication

Creating channels of effective communication is the third angle of focus for an organization that aspires to motivate its employees. The quality of communication determines the degree of employee satisfaction in very profound ways (Bambacas & Patrickson, 2008). The crucial factor is to engage ways of revamping the system of communication in a way that is both interactive and fulfilling. The system or communication should be organized in a manner that fosters the sense of belonging within the fraternity of the workforce. Employees should feel confident that their concerns and suggestions reach the targeted destinations in time and are responded to promptly. The feedback mechanism should be stable, consistent, and properly structures.

The essence of communication is to nurture a culture of quality interpersonal relationships within organizations with the objective of promoting performance and safeguarding the welfare of the workers (Bambacas & Patrickson, 2008). In order to achieve these goals, the management should settle for highly proactive communication approaches that minimize the time taken by information to be relayed between the source and the destination. Organizations with effective communication systems are less likely to experience the challenges of burnout, work-related stress, and other common psychological problems that occur because of flawed communication.







Bambacas, M., & Patrickson, M. (2008). Interpersonal communication skills that enhance organisational commitment. Journal of Communication Management, 12(1), 51-72.

Schlechter, A., Hung, A., & Bussin, M. (2014). Understanding talent attraction: The influence of financial rewards elements on perceived job attractiveness. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(1), 1-13.

Taslim, M. (2011). Organisation culture and employee motivation: An emperical study on impact of organisation culture on employee extrinsic & intrinsic motivation at SBI. International Journal of Management Prudence, 3(1), 84-87.