Discuss Collaborative Therapy, and Narrative Therapy. Discuss at least 2 differences between the two therapies with some detail. Note that postmodernism is a way of thinking about therapies and systems, not a formal therapy. Similarly, many feel that the collaborative approach and team approach used by social constructionists are techniques used in family therapy.
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Part I: You are required to write a research paper/formal literature review in current APA format on 1 of the specific approaches to family counseling, (e.g., structural, psychoanalytic, Bowenian, experiential, etc.; i.e., not a technique). You will identify leading figures, historical and current events, assumptions, development of the theory, concepts, and techniques related to your chosen approach. You will also note any similarities or dissimilarities between the chosen theory and other leading theories, and you will identify any new knowledge you acquired through this assignment. You must have scholarly references, including books and journals that are written to or for scholars. You may use some non-scholarly materials; however, these may not be the bulk of your references. Do not use the Goldenberg & Goldenberg textbook as your primary reference. You must use a minimum of 12 sources cited in current APA format in both the body of your paper and your reference page. Part I of your paper requires a minimum of 6 pages. This research paper will count for approximately 15% of your final grade. The paper will be graded on: 1. Clarity of writing, good writing style; 2. Content; 3. The flow of the paper; 4. Current APA style (ex: cover page, abstract page, correct font and font size, body of the paper, reference page(s), and double-spacing); and 5. Appropriate scholarly, online references and optional non-scholarly references. (Thousands of articles and books are available online through the Liberty University Online Library’s website and may be accessed immediately. If you request photocopying of documents and shipment of library books from the Guillermin Library, allow 3–5 days.) Remember: The Goldenberg & Goldenberg textbook may be used as a guide, but do not make the textbook your paper.