design a portfolio using Evernote: The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your ability to identify high quality educational online resources that could be used to support your skills in teaching humanities, health and physical education

Assessment overview
The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your ability to identify high quality educational
online resources that could be used to support your skills in teaching humanities, health and physical education. Your Humanities, health and physical education folio will allow you to
demonstrate an ability to identify, evaluate and critically justify the educational value of your
resources. This justification will need to include how the resource supports teaching in relation to
Australian Curriculum (AC) content descriptions, achievement standards and supported through
academic underpinning. The justification will demonstrate an understanding of how each resource
supports good pedagogical practice appropriate to the relevant discipline. Academic underpinning
through use of key readings and wider literature is expected and is required for you to pass this
Assessment details
Your Humanities, health and physical education folio will include six high-quality resources. It
will include three for Humanities (Economics, Civics and Citizenship, Geography) and three for
Health and Physical Education, and will cover a broad range of different year levels, as follows:
 Humanities – you must include one resource from each of the following discipline areas
that addresses the specified year level:
o Geography – Foundation, Year 1 or Year 2
o Civics and Citizenship – Year 3 or Year 4
o Economics and Business – Year 5 or Year 6.
 Health and physical education – you must include three resources from out of the four
health and PE options, addressing the specified year level:
o Movement skills – Foundation, Year 1 or Year 2
o Play, activity and sports – any year level
o Wellbeing and mental health – any year level
o Informed choices – Year 5 or Year 6.
For each folio item, you must provide some evidence of the resource (e.g. an image or link) as
well as a 450 word justification for its selection. This justification must be broken into the following
three guiding components:
1. Briefly summarise the resource. (Max 50 words)
Describe the resource in one or two succinct sentences that create a clear picture. In this
description, try to use objective language.2
EDU80001 Humanities, Health and Physical Education
2. Relation to Australian Curriculum. (150 words)
How does the resource relate to the discipline area content descriptions?
Justify what aspect of the discipline area content description the resource supports.
What cross curriculum and general capabilities does the resource address? (Choose the one
which is the most relevant)
What achievement standards does this resource address?
How does this resource support teachers to assess against these standards?
3. Pedagogy (250 words)
How does this resource support good pedagogical practice within the discipline area? Critically
analyse how the resource develops students’ understanding. In particular, examine what the
students and teachers are doing when they use this resource. Draw on academic research, key
readings and wider literature to support this critical analysis.

Folio format
Your folio will be constructed using Evernote (, an online system that allows
you to create a series of notes. These notes can include embedded images, and links to
additional documents and other online resources.
Detailed directions on using Evernote to set up your folio can be found in the Assessment section
within Blackboard. It is strongly recommended that you commence work on your folio early in the
teaching period, in order to ensure you are quickly able to gain competency in the system and
address any technical issues in a prompt fashion.
Note that when setting up your folio:
1. Evidence of the actual resource should be included as an attachment (image or document) or
a link within the note.
2. The justification for each resource will be written directly into the note

Assessment criteria
1. Analysis of teaching and learning resources, to facilitate student learning in Humanities,
Health and Physical Education in the Primary context.
2. Understanding of Humanities, Health and Physical Education within current curriculum
framework documents
3. Understanding of alignment between selected resources and contemporary pedagogical
approaches in Humanities, Health and Physical Education.
4. Appropriate writing conventions, including APA referencing, punctuation, grammar, spelling,
sentence structure, word choice (academic and information literacy).