Critiquing use of theory in rsearch articles

Review your assigned article—either Article A or Article B, as described above. Also, review the article to which you were not assigned. You will be required to respond to one colleague who read the other article, so you should have a working knowledge of that article in order to respond effectively.

Review Chapter 6 in the course text, A Primer in Theory Construction and Chapter 3 in the course text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.

Review the annotated journal article “Examining Contextual Factors in the Career Decision Status of African American Adolescents,” which is annotated to reveal how the theory is used.

Consider characteristics of quantitative and qualitative studies as presented in Creswell.

Determine if your assigned article is quantitative or qualitative. Remember the distinction for future work with the two articles. Analyze the characteristics of the article that make it quantitative or qualitative.

Look to the Use of Theory Checklist that you downloaded as a guide for critiquing the theoretical framework of your assigned article.

Identify and analyze the assumptions found in your assigned article.
With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a 3-paragraph critique in which you:

Identify your assigned article as quantitative or qualitative and support your assertion with an analysis of three defining characteristics.

Describe, and critique the theoretical framework using the “Use of Theory Checklist” as a guide.

Analyze at least one assumption in your assigned article.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the reading(s) and/or media segment(s) and use APA format.