Critical review

Topic: intervention in prison for offenders with drugs abuse habit.

Find a list of academic source materials and important journals.

Importantly, you will need to source and use at least 10 journal articles or research report.

In effect, this Critical review: Issues Scoping Paper is a literature review. This is not a summary of the 10 articles. Instead you need to:

(1)  Read all 10 article and look for similarities and differences

(2)  Identify the most important findings/results relating to your sub-topic

(3)  Identify key research, policy or practice gaps (ie what still needs to be done)

(4)  Write a critical analysis of the topic, and how each of the identified studies looked at the issue.


– critical review
– 1000 words
– 10 journals arrival
– use Google scholar only.
– 5-8 year old journals artical/ book
– chapter/research report.
– Do not use book but can use a book chapter.