Capstone Project 4 pages


The Assignment (23 pages):

Developing the technical elements for your Capstone Project will be a two-part Assignment. The first part will be completed and submitted in Week 7. The second part will be completed and submitted in Week 8.

For this Assignment in Week 7:

  • Develop your strategic goals (at least three). The goals must address the following:
    • Address issues such as globalization and how those issues might impact the strategic goals of the agency, organization, or community.
    • Identify potential alliances.
      • Identify opportunities for alliances with other agencies or organizations.
      • State why the alliances are important.
  • Develop strategies for implementing goals. You must identify at least two strategies for each identified goal.
  • Address issues of accountability. You must establish how and who will monitor the execution of the strategic plan. Describe how you will address accountability for each of the following:
    • Describe how your leadership will be held accountable for execution of the strategic plan.
    • Discuss the following aspects of accountability for employee:
      • Identify who will be responsible for executing specific aspects of the strategic plan.
      • Explain how employee accountability will be tracked.
    • Client and stakeholder accountability:
      • Describe the clients’/stakeholders’ roles in accountability.
      • Discuss actions that will be taken to continually and actively engage the clients/stakeholders in ensuring accountability related to executing the strategic plan.

Support your Application Assignment, citing all resources in APA style, including those in the Learning Resources.

The last element of the strategic plan consists of constructing the technicals. The technicals element includes items such as developing strategic goals, strategies, leading indicators of success, and performance targets. The technical elements represent the executable part of the strategic plan. As you begin to develop the technical elements, consider the goals related to internationalization and alliances.
To prepare:

  • Review Final Project: Developing a Strategic Plan –Part 2: The Technical Elementsmedia in the Weekly Resources.
  • Review the results of your environmental scan and consider strategic goals that your agency might implement.
  • Think about how the organization might leverage globalization and alliances in its strategic goals.



The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Describe leading indicators of success. To determine whether the agency, organization, or community will benefit from the strategic plan, you must identify those things which would serve as indicators of success. These indicators must be observable, measurable, and quantifiable in some way.

o    Identify four indicators that would signify success with regard to the strategic plan.

o    Discuss specifically how you would measure each indicator.

  • Identify performance targets. Performance targets represent the level at which you would like to observe performance on each indicator. They represent the desired level of performance. For each performance indicator that you have identified, specify the targeted level of performance.

Support your Application Assignment by citing all resources in APA style, including those in the Learning Resources.


Assignment: Capstone Project Part IV: The Technicals: Measuring and Evaluating Performance

Most human and social services professionals come into their professions to make a difference. Doing so at the societal level is both a challenge and an opportunity. Being a successful social change agent, leader, and advocate requires both skill and commitment. To accomplish large-scale change to address societal issues as part of the technical aspects of a strategic plan, human and social services professionals need to address indicators of success and performance targets.

To prepare:

  • This Assignment is the second part of developing the technicals for your Capstone Project.
  • Think about how you might apply the theories and processes of change, leadership, and advocacy when implementing a strategic plan that addresses indicators of success and performance targets.