Art History & Feminism

Your research paper must NOT exceed 3 typed pages, double spaced with 1” margins. Attach images and a Works Cited page after the text.

Each question requires that you return to the class reading assignments, including class handouts (Xeroxes and E-Reserves) – which I will expect you to reference in your essay – but each question is open ended so as to accommodate your own ideas/research on the issues addressed in the readings. In support of your own ideas about the readings, you will need to associate those ideas with the assigned works you’re discussing in your essay questions AND include 6 or more references to text and/or supplemental references that are specific, relevant. (Include page #s for text citations and URLs for online sources.)

Part I (100 points): After reviewing the reading assignments from this semester, do you find a compelling trajectory of feminist thought across history that seems especially meaningful to you? Drawing upon the readings and artists (cite at least 4 artists, 2 readings) that represent this trajectory, please articulate this recurrent idea/theme to which you have gravitated, as well as your reasons for finding it so important to feminist history and/or practice.
(Use the only the Uploaded Pdf files to support you work please no outside sources. Use uploaded files to complete this part and cited that files you used in works cited)

Part II (50 points): We have covered two centuries of feminist-inspired art and thought this semester. What do you feel feminism’s agenda is/should be today and grounded in what kind of thought or strategies? Drawing from selected class readings and artists, construct your own vision for feminism’s future.
(Use the only the Uploaded Pdf files to support you work please no outside sources. Use uploaded files to complete this part and cited that files you used in works cited)

Part III (50 points): Imagine that you are a Curator of Contemporary Art at the Dayton Art Institute. One of your responsibilities is making recommendations for acquisition of major works of art, with a view to closing gaps in the museum’s collection.
(Use the Uploaded Pdf titled as part 3 file to support you work please) It named part 3
So, you must make a recommendation for the Dayton Art Institute and how is related with Feminism to improve the feminism movements in this museum.
Or use the link below of Dayton Art Institute.

Select ONE WORK from your text, Chadwick’s Women, Art and Society that you believe would present an opportunity to enrich the collection, as well as to engage the audience in a deeper educational dialogue on the value of art as an agent and index to contemporary culture. Explain how this object either works within already established conventions or works against a set of conventions. Link social and cultural context from which this art arose with an explanation of how this work demonstrates feminist values within the objectives and goals of the style.