Task Details/Description:


An individual project proposal, to be submitted by 12:00 p.m. Friday 31 March 2017. This should include:


  • Aim
  • Context and background – outlining the problem and describing the organizational context of the proposed work and why it is worth doing
  • Objectives
  • An initial critical review of relevant literature
  • An outline and justification of the methods it is proposed to use to obtain the information needed to achieve your research objectives -including a brief review of their potential strengths and weaknesses
  • Brief review of any potential ethical issues associated with the use of these methods and the practical steps you propose to take to avoid harm occurring as a result of your proposed research
  • A programme of work summarizing the key tasks, potential problems likely to be encountered and how you propose to overcome these
  • References cited


Maximum length 3,000 words, excluding references.


This assignment provides an opportunity for course members to demonstrate, in a practical context, the extent to which they have understood and are able to apply the principles, concepts and methods introduced in the module.


The criteria by which it will be assessed relate directly to the intended learning outcomes of this module.