Analyze policies impact on areas of Foreign Direct Investment in China
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Use of related Academic literature
2.1 Foreign Direct Investment
2.2 The theories linkage Foreign Direct Investment, economic growth and regional distribution.
The author could set the scene much more clearly by using basic economic development and FDI data to set the scene: e.g. GDP per capita of regions; FDI inflows and FDI stock in the regions; how the regions differ, etc..
Chapter 3 Methodology (use secondary sources)
3.1 Research idea
3.2 Research method
3.3 Research significance
3.4 the limitation of the research
You can aid topics that you consider important
More needs to be done to explain what (secondary) sources would be used,
and why, in relation to any gaps in the literature that was surveyed.
Chapter 4 Analysis/Findings (Analysis of policies and the differences of FDI distribution )
4.1 The relative scale differences of FDI in the eastern, central and western region
4.2 The impact of investment policy changes on FDI regional distribution
investment (FDI) in the Chinese regions , and the evolution of
FDI policies in China – however the rigour and quality of analysis
the rigour and quality of analysis could benefit from a clearer discussion of the how national policies have impacted FDI; with a major omission being mention of regional policies from regional authorities.
Chapter 5 Conclusion
the conclusion purports to establish a panel data model
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