Book review of Daily Life in Gold Rush California

BOOK REVIEW: There is a typed, 12 font, double-spaced, come in at a minimum of 5 pages – 1370 words, scholarly, 3rd person book review of Daily Life in Gold Rush California, utilizing the following form: 1. A brief summary of the book. 2. Discuss and analyze the content of each chapter in the order that they appear in the…

Compering between Australia and Saudi Arabia in education

Essay Writing Process – Stage 3 – 10% ESSAY DRAFT You are required to submit a complete essay as close as possible to the word limit (1200). Therefore, you should include the following: • Introduction with a background to the topic, a clear thesis statement and essay map to guide the reader • Body paragraphs with clear topic sentences, use…

Cover letter to apply Academic Assistant

English Foundation Program Academic Assistants are employed through the International Programs and Services and the English Foundation Program to assist students and lecturers in the English Foundation Program (EFP) with their English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses; this assistance occurs during language lab time, which can be during the day and/or evening.